Event Type
Jazmin PonceÜber die Veranstaltung:
Have you ever felt isolated in a foreign country with no support systems? The Born Global Meetup is here to change that!
Whether you’re an international student, graduate, researcher, or simply interested in launching a business or becoming a freelancer in Germany, the Born Global Meetups Leipzig is the perfect space for you. Come and interact with like-minded people, share experiences, and get support to develop your business idea!
Through the barking of Leipzig University and all the structures at the SEPT competence center, we’re creating a vibrant community where everyone is welcome. Join us!
Date & Time: Thursday, 26 September, 06:00 PM – 08:00 PM.
Location: Workflow CoWorking & Offices Leipzig GmbH (City-Hochhaus Leipzig, Augustuspl. 9/6.OG, 04109 Leipzig). Reference: Panorama Tower 16th floor.
More information at: https://www.meetup.com/born-global-meetup-leipzig/events/302997344/
For questions please contact: jazmin.ponce@uni-leipzig.de
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