The Export Management Advanced Training (EMAT) is a great chance to extend your knowledge.
In times of an internationalizing world economy, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have more opportunities to conquer new markets. Moreover, the level of innovation, compliance of product parameters, and high-quality products of German enterprises are often unrivalled. To use this advantage over often significantly larger competitors, SMEs require top personnel among export and sales managers specialized in international business.
Answering this demand, the Export Management Advanced Trainin (EMAT) has the aim to expand and round off existing export management knowledge by developing skills in areas like export planning and management, international negotiation skills, intercultural competencies, export financing, export logistics, customs issues, among others.
The EMAT training, financed by the TalentTransfer project, is open for MBA Students and Alumni, as well as for professionals from SMEs and Startups.
The training sessions will take place every Friday (between 15:00 and 18:30) and Saturday (between 9:00 and 16:30) starting on the 01st of October until the 06th of November 2021.
After the training, the participants will receive a certificate issued by Leipzig University and International SEPT Competence Center. More information about the training can be found at:
Flyer: https://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/fileadmin/Fakult%C3%A4t_Wifa/Sept_Center/Dateien/FIT4export_Downloads/EMAT_2021_Flyer_1.pdf
Schedule: https://www.wifa.uni-leipzig.de/fileadmin/Fakult%C3%A4t_Wifa/Sept_Center/Dateien/FIT4export_Downloads/EMAT_Schedule_2021.pdf