The SEPT Competence Center at Leipzig University invites you to the iN4iN Conference 2023 with a focus on two projects targeting digital innovation: MELES-Bot and E-Coach.
In a rapidly moving world where so many of our day-to-day activities are now online, it has become essential for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to further develop coaching processes in order to better suit student’s needs and learning environments. Electronic coaching (e-coaching) is an inevitable methodology for every lecturer who coaches, mentors, teaches, and supervises students and graduates. Therefore, our iN4iN Conference 2023 focuses on the use of digital tools in order to support our clients at HEI in a sustainable and time-efficient approach.
There are two options for attending the event: on site and online. Please use the following link for registering (until December 7th 2022) and select „on site“ resp. „online“ when chosing your free ticket: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/in4in-conference-2023-tickets-468479463687
The event will take place at Leipzig University on January 18th 2023 (09:00am-3:30pm) and January 19th 2023 (09:30am-12:00am). Online participation will only be possible on the 1st day of the event.
We look forward to welcoming you to our iN4iN Conference 2023!
Zoomlink: https://uni-leipzig.zoom.us/j/61878715117?pwd=bE8zZkdOdjU4M1lJMks3QlNBckR0Zz09
Please find the program here: